We are the shield between you and the actual domain registrar. Our Proxy Whois registration hides your valuable personal information like email address, contact information etc. in the Whois database. With our anonymous domain registration you gain a protection against cyber threats, identity theft, spamming and unwanted leaks.
Can I order any domain name?
We can't process the registration of domain names that violates copyrights and anything we think that it used only for phishing or other criminal activities. In the case we do not process the order we issue an refund to your account in form of a credit. If we have finished the order and the domain name will be later used for phishing or other criminal activities we or the registrar suspends it.
Which payment methods do you support?
We support Bitcoin, Lightning, Monero and other crypto payments with our own self hosted payment gateways. No third parties involved.
Are all domains supported?
We try to offer our anonymous domain purchase service for many TLDs and ccTLDs as we can. Unfortunately there are some we can't offer due some restrictions (country restrictions). We also do not register domain names that may likely be used for phishing or other fraudulent activities.
How are the domains billed?
All new domain name registrations and transfers are pre-paid for a whole year.
Can I transfer my domain name to Mynymbox?
Yes. We accept domain transfer. Before you start the transfer make sure your domain is unlocked and that you have the AuthCode from your current registrar.
Can I transfer my domain name from Mynymbox to another registrar?
Yes, as you are always the domain owner. You can transfer your domain name anytime to another registrar. First you have to unlock the domain and order your AuthCode from the client portal. Please be aware that newly registered domains are locked for 60 days due a ICANN rule.
Do you offer DNS Management?
Yes. For our customers we offer a free DNS Management Tool.
Please do not hesitate and contact us. If want to learn more about our services just reach out to us, we are always happy to help and clarify things.